Wednesday 19 November 2014

Indoor Rock Climbing

After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. - Nelson Mandela

Today was our last day of climbing. Although we only had 2 sessions they both were fun and it was a good workout. I passed my belaying test so that was very exciting also I got to climb quite a few walls. I many did rainbow on the wall that I climbed, but I was able to do some of the 5.10 s and I climbs one 5.11 for a little until I couldn't go any farther. Indoor climbing is always fun and something that is different from the other activities. It also is a good way to challenge your mind and body to do your best and get to the top of the wall. The belaying was very fun and interesting to learn. I am glad that I decided to get the belaying certificate because that allows me to climb more and also gave me opportunity to learn more about climbing. It was also interesting and fun because I got to switch between climbing and belaying which was different because now I know what its like to climb and belay the 2 aspects of climbing. Climbing is to focus on reaching the top and belaying is to make sure that the person climbing reaches their goal and that they do it safely. Climbing requires a lot of hard work and effort which makes you feel good after reaching the top because you know you put in you best effort. I learned that I should use my legs more so that I get more of boost up so I can reach the grips with more ease and faster.

How is indoor climbing like going through high school?

Indoor climbing has much in common with going through high school. One obvious example is physical activity. In high school most people are part of some sort of sport team or play sports. The people who do play do it to have fun and to get in their exercise. Exercise is a way for students to have fun, reflect and refresh themselves. Indoor climbing gives you a good workout as it teaches you technique, balance and strength. It also teaches you to build endurance as you can be on a difficult wall and you are clinging on trying to reach for the next rock. A good way to make sure that you don't get stuck on a wall or get tired is to plan. Planning is important because it helps when you don't know where you are going or know when you need a break, also it could be how you are going to get past a tough patch on the wall. It applies in high school as you have homework and projects that you need to do and you plan on when and how you do them, Also how to plan to balance your time and space between your work and other activities. Patience is essential as it helps you plan and make decisions. It also helps when you are tired or in a uncomfortable or difficult spot it helps you calm down. It helps with your problem solving which is very much like making the right declensions. Just like when you are upset or unhappy about something you need calm down and reflect. Or when there an argument or fight and there needs to be something done being able to solve problems is important. I think that indoor climbing is a good way to reflect on your self and how hard you work. In high school you always have time when you sit and really reflect on how and what you do and what you can do to make yourself better. Goals also can be made it can be small goals or big goals those are important to show how to be disciplined and responsible. Being able to set goals in climbing and school are both important because it motivates and encourages you to move towards your goals so that you do and feel your best. In climbing you not only climb you can belay, in belaying an important factor is that there is communication and trust between the belayer and climber. It is important because if the climber wants to do their best they have to talk and work with the belayer who is helping and keeping the climber safe. Communicating and having trust is as important in high school because if your in a group you need to work together as a team and put in your best effort. Also communicating to teacher or others who can help with other problems is important too because people can go through problems and not know where to go, which happens quite often.

Sunday 12 October 2014

OEE Sailing Sept 2014

OEE Sailing

Nothing comes sailing by itself -Alexander Dale Oen

For the past 3 weeks we have been sailing. It has been a while since we last went sailing for oee so I was a little nervous the first time we went because I didn't remember much. But once we got on the water I began to become familiar we the boat and became more confident. The first time that we went sailing it was very slow and a little boring because there was not much wind so we sometimes would be drifting on the water and moving very slowly. It was kind of nice though because it let us be comfortable in the boat as it was a while since we had gone sailing. The second time that we went it was very windy and it was raining a lot. The wave were also were very strong. That time we really had to be aware and ready because our boat was moving at very high speeds. It was really fun when started to move fast and we made some really good turns. But a few times we nearly capsized because we were going so fast. But once you get used to the fast speed it become really fun. It was much different from the last time that we had gone which probably was the reason that it was difficult in the beginning. The third time we went we got to sail around a freighter which was pretty fun. There was fair amount of wind but it was sunny so it was really nice to be out in the water. I think that I improved a lot from the previous days and I was really confident when I was sailing. I think the main thing that I need to learn is the parts of the boat because sometimes I forget. Sailing was very fun and I can't wait to do it again soon.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Camp Fircom 2014

Camp Fircom

This year we went to Camp Fircom. I was really excited because last year it was struck by lightning and we weren't able go. We had to ride on a water ferry to get to camp, Camp Fircom is on Gambier Island. Once we got there I was really excited because they had a really nice garden and there was lots of space for activities. The cabins were nice and fun because instead of having a few people in room like last year it was one big room that let everyone to talk and have more fun together. The food was really good especially because it was fresh and healthy, it came straight from the garden. There were many activities that we had there were very fun. Many were the same as the last camp and a few newer things like paddle-boarding and hiking. Also it was fun we got to play frisbee with glow in the dark frisbees, there were other activities like the night-hike, blackberry picking, and the campfire. One really memorable time was were we the firelight project, it was a fun way to talk and get to know people better. The only thing about camp that wasn't as fun was the hike. We had to hike for nearly 4 hours and I got a lot of cuts and mosquito bites. Although after we got to the top it felt good we had to all the way back down it was really slippery and steep. It was a long and steep challenge but in the end I was happy that I did it. Overall, camp was really fun and I have learn new thing and also re-learned things. I can't wait for the next camp!

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” 
― Marcus AureliusMeditations

Monday 19 May 2014

OEE Canoeing

Recently for the past three weeks for oee the grade 8's have gone canoeing. It was my first time canoeing, but I used to kayak so some of the skill from kayaking were helpful for canoeing. It was really fun but it took a lot of effort. For the duration of our canoeing classes I was at the back of the canoe steering the canoe. I learned some strokes: the j stroke, pyre, draw and sweep. We also learned how to switch spots while on the water and we learned what the different parts of the canoe are called. The pyre and draw strokes required effort but moved the boat a lot, while the j stroke was easier but you have to make sure your paddle is in the right position. Overall canoeing was fun and new, but it is tiring. I am really excited to go to canoe camp and be able to use the strokes.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Grade 8 OEE

      The grade 8s can improve our reputation and make a positive shift for the rest of the year by being more respectful with each other and others. Also following instructions by paying more attention and  
standing up to each other when someone is doing something inappropriate or rude, would make a difference. 
I think that as an individual I could make the year more positive by being more involved and paying more attention. 
       I enjoyed going to camp the most for OEE this year because we got to do all sorts of activities and it was great way to get to know everyone. Also it was very fun and I learnt a lot about marine life, how to build shelters, and some knots. After camp we have been doing different activities in all of them I am developing different skills and they all have been very fun. Every week I look forward to OEE because its a fun way to start the week and you get a chance to learn something different and have lots of fun at the same time. It also it a great way to come back from the weekend and jump back in to the school routine. I'm looking forward to doing more activities and having a great time.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Cross Country Skiing

 Over the past few last weeks we have been cross country skiing. It has been fun and given me a good workout. It's harder than downhill skiing because learning the technique was harder than downhill skiing. You have to use all of your muscles in cross country skiing and the skis for cross country were much different. The cross country skis are much more flexible and difficult to move in than downhill skis. Everyone fell quite a bit because it is difficult to keep your balance and the snow was unfortunately very slippery and slushy as well which helped us fall. At the first class I didn't do so great, but I improved significantly over each class. I think it was the same for the rest of the people in my group we all improve steadily, kept on trying and had fun at the same time. I had a good time cross country skiing, but I would prefer downhill because it is more fun, exciting, and there are more runs. I wouldn't mind going cross country skiing again, but I would hope next time there will be more runs and better conditions.

"Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want" Aaliyah

Sunday 24 November 2013

Into the Wild Movie Reflection

I personally thought Into the Wild had a good message and was a good movie. The main character was Christopher McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp it was his story about the wild. There was part of the movie I did not enjoy because they made no sense and it didn't fit in the movie. I understood that he wanted freedom and he was unhappy with his relationship with parents especially because he had no independence. He also didn't’t like the thought of money making you successful. He also didn't enjoy being near the people around him (except his sister). I thought that his trip to Alaska was both reckless and exciting. It was reckless because he didn't know how live in the wild by himself, also it was dangerous since it was his first time there and he had no prior knowledge of the wild. The trip was exciting because he went to many different places and he could finally have independence.  Also he meets different people who change his perspective of the wild and life. When he meets the people on his way to Alaska whom tell him that he should follow his heart and that is what gave him the strength and confidence to continue on to Alaska. His perspective at first was very optimistic and he was enjoying the beauty of the wild. The wild was a haven to him a place where he would be happy. As he learned to hunt animals, how to gather food, find a shelter or build one, find water etc. He felt satisfaction in his work. His perspective change when he ate the poisonous peas. He was in pain and felt very lonely.  He had tried to go home because there was nothing left for him in the wild and he was afraid and alone. The movie did change my perspective of the wild slightly it showed how it was peaceful, calm, and beautiful. But it also explains how in the wild it is difficult to survive in and how a simple mistake can harm you. People go into the wild for solitude, enjoyment, and to learn about nature. We need the wilderness because it gives animals’ shelter and food and it provides materials that we need to live.